Sunday, November 25, 2012

TSA strip-searches 85-year-old woman in wheelchair while National Organization for Women (N.O.W.) remains shamelessly silent

TSA strip-searches 85-year-old woman in wheelchair while National Organization for Women (N.O.W.) remains shamelessly silent

Take a few minutes to read this blog post from Monday, December 05, 2011
by Mike Adams. Though it's an older case, I thought it was more appropriate to share this since we are coming up on the holiday season once again. TSA loves the holiday travel season. A few TSA agents have stolen passenger's belonging from checkpoints and baggage to the tune of over $800,000 in one agent's case. One agent was recently sentenced has admitted to stealing over $40,000 in passenger's property and selling it on the internet and in pawn shops nationwide. [see ]. It seems that 83 year old ladies in wheelchairs aren't what we should be worried about, it's the TSA agent stealing personal items that I'm worried about.